

Monday, December 22, 2014

Fwd: since I last hugged and kissed Dylan

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-------- Original message --------
From: Nicole Hockley <info@sandyhookpromise.org>
Date:12/22/2014 11:35 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: yasyya@gmail.com
Subject: since I last hugged and kissed Dylan


Last Sunday marked the two-year anniversary of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary – and the 730th day I'd spent without my beautiful butterfly Dylan.

730 days since I last hugged and kissed him, tickled his face with my hair and heard him giggle, asked him to eat spaghetti with his fork instead of his hands, told him I loved him and heard him say, "I know, I love you too Mummy."

730 days spent missing Dylan, crying in private, and begging him every night to visit me in my dreams. Whether it's one year, two years, or 20, nothing will ever change how much we miss him, how much we love him, how much we hurt without him in our lives.

I've said many times that there is no getting over the pain of losing a child. There is only finding a way through it; and while I can never change what happened on Dec. 14, 2012, together we can change the world in which I'm raising Dylan's brother Jake – the world in which we're all raising our children. That's what Sandy Hook Promise is doing every day with your generous support.

To help fund our work to connect communities, prioritize mental wellness, and advocate for common sense gun safety laws next year, we need to raise $250,000 by Dec. 31. Thanks to supporters like you, we have a good start – but in honor of Dylan and the countless families who have lost loved ones, we have to make our goal. Please, make your tax-deductible gift today.

Click here to make your 100% tax-deductible gift of $10 or more to Sandy Hook Promise now, so we can make our year-end goal and continue building our parent- and community-powered movement to protect children and save lives.

This anniversary will never get easier – but thanks to you, the days that follow are increasingly filled with hope, because together we are making real change. Through our innovative Promise Days and Promise Communities, our mental health trainings, and grassroots advocacy, we are protecting other children and families from gun violence.

Sadly, we continue to see violence and tragedy with frightening regularity around the country, but we remain staunchly focused on the long-term view that there is more good than bad in the world. We are committed to ensuring that common sense prevails over divisiveness, so that countless lives can be saved.

We still believe that love will always triumph. It has to. And with your support and generosity, we'll do everything we can to make sure it does by giving parents and neighbors the tools to create a safer world for our children.

Please, help us reach our year-end goal by contributing $10 or more now.

Ian, Jake, and I marked this year's anniversary with our own private family time, and while we couldn't see Dylan, he was with us. He is always with us, every day. We would do anything to go back and change time, to protect him, to hold him, to be with him.

Of course, we can't go back. But we can make sure his short, incredible life meant something – and with your love, your messages, and your donations, you are helping us do just that. Thank you so much.

With love,

Nicole Hockley (Dylan's mom)

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